But become makers of the message -
and not just hearers misleading yourselves For if anyone is a hearer of the
message and not a maker he is like a man assessing the face of his 'Genesis'
in a mirror [Jm.1:22-23] |
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If you find this
website to be of some interest then you may also like to read:
Why Call Me God? : The Gospel Seen with a Single
published by
Capabel Press in September 2009.
The book
explains the ancient 'mystery' concealed behind the text of the gospels at
the time they were first composed.
The riddles of
Greek scripture are soon unravelled to expose the devastating plot which
must have been familiar to the Gnostic authors.
Analysis then
shows that the deeply challenging message of the gospels is not what the
Christian churches say. It is something very different
and now
explained in this groundbreaking book.
For details, please
here |
ISBN: 978 0 9562057 0 4 |
Chapter 13 : The Washing of the
Disciples' Feet
As the basis for my work I have used the
Nestlé-Aland 26th Edition Greek text. Copyright on this is reserved as
follows :
..... Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestlé-Aland 26th edition
(c)1979, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart;
..... The Greek New
Testament, 3rd edition (c) 1975, United Bible Societies, London
This is the
Greek text underlying most modern English translations since 1881, including
the New American Standard and New International Versions. Certain words within
the Nestlé text proper are enclosed in square brackets [ ] or double
brackets [[ ]]. These reflect those places where the critical text editors
consider the inclusion or omission of such text to be in question.
text is only available for NON-COMMERCIAL personal/scholarly and educational
I have also used the CATSS LXX editions of the Septuagint Old Testament
prepared by the TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae) Project directed by T. Brunner
at the University of California, Irvine and made available through the Center
for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT) at the University of Pennsylvania 'for
the use of students, teachers and scholars in study and education
This text is only available for NON-COMMERCIAL
personal/scholarly and educational use.
Unless otherwise noted, the remainder of what is presented in this
document is my original work. Copyright on this is reserved as follows
..... Authentic Christianity, 4th edition : (c) 2004, Target Technical,
York, UK
All rights are reserved - except that this text is made
available without charge for NON-COMMERCIAL personal/scholarly and educational
At March 2004 it is now more than three
years since I began my research project and this website was first established.
In that time much has been added, much revised - and I myself have been able to
penetrate the 'mystery' of scripture right down to its origins in the first few
verses of 'Genesis'. Throughout I have been using my own special computer
program to help me with sorting and analysing the scriptural texts themselves.
This has been highly effective in speeding up what would otherwise have proved
a slow and irksome task.
There are now twelve chapters. I hope these may serve to expose some of
the technical features deployed in Greek scripture. I hope too that they may
illustrate effectively the curious 'two-mouthed' compositional method employed
by these gnostic authors [see Heb.4:12] - and the compound nature of their
challenging, if artfully deceptive, spiritual message. Lastly I hope that these
chapters may serve to indicate the ultimate conclusion which the authors appear
to have hoped for the more devoted, the more pious, the more dutiful amongst
their readers, to reach. And now, if these dark conclusions be rejected in our
age, at least we may first have understood correctly what the
underlying proposition of Judaeo-Christian scripture actually was.
Next, if the established Christian church (in its several varieties) is
now to be held to account for the shallow and 'literalist' doctrine which for
seventeen centuries it has mostly striven to uphold, then I hope that this too
will prove to be a constructive development with distinct benefits arising for
future generations. Our history is filled with national and international
conflict, frequently inspired by religious differences, these so often
characterised by each party's neglect for resolving the 'mystery' of scripture.
How much might have been avoided if the scriptures had been better
understood ?
Then I am conscious that there is little in the public domain which
treats with the topic I have addressed : indeed I am aware of nothing similar.
So I have taken the decision now to designate these twelve chapters as 'Book 1'
and to make only minor changes to their structure. I apologise for aspects of
presentation which could have been better done - and for the undue length of
Chapter 11. And I am sure there must be some mistakes. No doubt there are - but
nothing, I trust, beyond what is minor. And if the need should arise for any
further corrections to these chapters I can make a note elsewhere of such
'Errata'. Like this I shall preserve 'Book 1' pretty much as a 'record of
process' - a 'trail', as it were, illustrating the learning path which I myself
was travelling at the time it was being written.
My motives remain what they always were. For myself, I seek simply to
know the truth (and so to avoid being misled). Then I seek the same for those
around me. So if I see others still being caught out by an artful 'trick' first
established in a bygone age, what shall I do ? This can be the remedy : to
explain the trick. By this means the trick itself may be disarmed, its
'spell' may be broken. And to the extent that this may be successful, to the
extent that truth is established, peace may be brought to the
world ?
It is with such a hope in mind that I resume writing now. Then Book
2 begins with this chapter (Chapter 13). In what follows nothing should
appear to be at odds with the material of the foregoing twelve chapters. But
now, as I hope you will soon see, we really are getting to the bottom of the
great 'mystery' configured so long ago by these gnostic authors - and left for
us to resolve.
13.2 The
Here I point up the deeper significance of a story
which appears only in the Fourth Gospel (that attributed to John). It is the
well known story of the dinner at which Jesus washes the feet of his
disciples. But, as I hope you will shortly appreciate, I have a particular
reason to begin with another familiar story, that from 'Genesis' Chapter
3 :
LXX, Gn.3 (oldest extant text, translated from Hebrew
original at Pharos, Alexandria ca. 250 BCE):
- 01O 3 13 kai eipen kurioV o qeoV
th gunaiki ti touto epoihsaV kai eipen h gunh o ofiV hpathsen me kai
- 01O 3 13 And the lord god said to the woman "What (is) this you did
?". And the woman said "The serpent deceived me - and I ate"
- 01O 3 14 kai eipen kurioV o qeoV
tw ofei oti epoihsaV touto epikataratoV su
apo pantwn twn kthnwn kai apo pantwn twn qhriwn thV ghV epi tw sthqei sou kai
th koilia poreush kai ghn fagh pasaV taV hmeraV thV zwhV sou
- 01O 3 14 And the lord god said to the
serpent "Because you did this, cursed (are) you from all the
pastoral beasts and from all the wild beasts of the earth. On your chest and
(your) abdomen shall you go - and eat 'earth' all the days of your life
- 01O 3 15 kai ecqran qhsw ana meson
sou kai ana meson thV gunaikoV kai ana meson tou spermatoV sou kai ana meson
tou spermatoV authV autoV sou thrhsei
kefalhn kai su
thrhseiV autou pternan
- 01O 3 15 And I shall put enmity amidst you and amidst the woman, and
amidst your seed and amidst her seed. He shall watch you (for) a head - and you shall watch him (for) a heel"
- Vulgate, Gn.3 (orig. Jerome ca. 380 CE : unfortunately gender
altered, sense altered, now asymmetric):
- 01O 3 15 Inimicitias ponam inter te et mulierem et semen tuum et semen illius
: ipsa conteret caput tuum et tu insidiaberis calcaneo eius
- 01O 3 15 I shall place hostility between you and the woman, and your
seed and her seed. She shall bruise your head - and you shall be laid in wait
for her heel"
- KJV, Gn.3 (1611 CE : gender altered again, symmetry restored,
and vigilance no longer required):
- 01O 3 15 And I shall put enmity between thee and the woman, and
between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise
his heel
- JPS 1917 Edition Masoretic Text : (c) 2003 Mechon Mamre :
(accords substantially with the LXX Greek):

- 01O 3 15 And I shall put enmity between you and the woman, and
your seed and her seed. He shall gape upon1 a head - and
shall gape upon1 a heel. {S}
- 1 The verb
here is generally considered to be Strong's 07779 meaning to bruise,
to crush, or to gape upon.
- To 'gape upon' is close in meaning to the English slang usage
'to gawp at'. It suggests to stare in open-mouthed
- This consideration would appear to have influenced the LXX author in
his selection of the Greek verb 'threw' (I watch closely over, I guard, I give heed
to, I observe).
The verb seems to be cognate with
a judge.
- LXX, Gn.25:
- 01O 25 26 kai meta touto exhlqen o
adelfoV autou kai h ceir autou epeilhmmenh thV pternhV hsau kai ekalesen to onoma autou iakwb isaak de
hn etwn exhkonta ote eteken autouV rebekka
- 01O 25 26 And with this his brother came out - and his hand (was)
clutching the heel of Esau. And his name
was called Jacob. But Isaac was sixty years
when Rebekka bore them
- Here is the curse taking effect - with the birth of the twins, Esau
and Jacob. Their father, Isaac, was 'sixty'
(number value of the letter 'x').
By this the author casts Jacob as 'the seed
of the serpent'. For a birth we must first rotate the frame of reference - for
babies are generally born head first. Now the heel of Esau (first born) is over
the head of Jacob (who is grasping it in his indecent struggle to take first
place over Esau). The pattern of the curse is taking its scriptural course.
Shortly Jacob [alias Cain] usurps the position of Esau - and Esau
[alias Abel] is eliminated from the scene.
In the gospels we see
this pattern unfold once more. As before, the children are related by birth -
but now it is Jesus who restores his ancient priority by usurping the place of
the first born, John. Indeed this is just as the Baptist predicts [Jn.1:15,
1:30]. The head of the latter is shortly delivered 'epi pinaki' (upon a
plate), the name of 'kain'
(Cain) being concealed (a sinister, but rather obvious anagram) within the name
for the plate. Freed from the critical witness of John, Jesus sets out
immediately to impress the populace - with his 'glory', his 'authority', his
'mighty works'.
Jacob (assisted by his mother Rebekka) turned out to be
a liar. He impersonated Esau for advantage,
lying three times to Isaac, his father - twice about his own
In the gospels, who tells the truth ? Is it John or Jesus ?
The import of what Jesus says to Martha at
Jn.11:25 matches what the serpent says to the
woman at Gn.3:4 : "You shall not die by death". One may do well not to forget
whose idea this was.
- LXX, Ps. 41:
- 19O 40 10 kai gar o anqrwpoV thV
eirhnhV mou ef'on hlpisa o esqiwn
artouV mou emegalunen ep'eme pternismon
- 19O 40 10 For even the person of my peace upon whom I hoped, the one
eating my bread, enlarged upon me a supplanting [alt: a craft;
- This is the verse to which most commentaries on the fourth gospel
refer the reader at Jn.13:18. But it is a mere 'tip of the iceberg' (an
allusion in particular to the supplanting of Esau by Jacob ?) and not the
primary target of the reference which follows (below) at Jn.13:18.
- In the gospel attributed to Matthew we hear Jesus say NA26,
- 40N 10 34 mh nomishte oti hlqon
balein eirhnhn epi thn ghn ouk hlqon balein eirhnhn alla macairan
- 40N 10 34 "Do not suppose that I came to cast peace upon the earth. I
did not come to cast peace - but a dagger"
- The one with the dagger is Cain ? His kind of 'peace' does not
- NA26, Jn.13:
It is well known that the fourth
gospel begins with the same two words as LXX Genesis, its theme closely
But look for a moment at this vignette from the gospel
attributed to John, Chapter 13 :
- 43N 13 4 egeiretai ek tou deipnou
kai tiqhsin ta imatia kai labwn lention diezwsen eauton
- 43N 13 4 He rose from the supper and laid aside his garments. And,
taking a towel, he girded himself
- 43N 13 5 eita ballei udwr eiV ton
nipthra kai hrxato niptein touV podaV twn maqhtwn kai ekmassein tw lentiw w hn
- 43N 13 5 Next he threw water into the wash basin and began to wash
the feet of the learners - and to wipe them off with the towel with which he
was girded
- 43N 13 6 ercetai oun proV simwna
petron legei autw kurie su mou nipteiV touV podaV
- 43N 13 6 Then he came to Simon Peter - (who) said to him "Lord, do
you wash my feet?"
- 43N 13 7 apekriqh ihsouV kai eipen
autw o egw poiw su ouk oidaV arti gnwsh de meta tauta
- 43N 13 7 Jesus answered - and he said to him "What I am doing you
have not now understood. But with these things you shall learn to know"
- A gnostic scenario - and a gnostic statement to go with it. 'You have
not yet understood. But ...'.
Raymond Brown, in his book 'The Gospel According to John'
[Ref.1], notes that "... it was customary hospitality to provide water for a
guest to wash his own feet. But as the Midrash Mekilta on Exodus xxi 2 tells
us, the washing of a master's feet could not be required [even] of a
Jewish slave". Again he writes that "... there was nothing in the ritual of the
Passover meal that can be compared to the footwashing. Footwashing was done
when one entered the house, not during the course of the meal".
The story seems thus incongruous. Taken as a record of a social
gathering, it is not a realistic scenario. But this well known narrative has a
substantial burden to carry. For just look what happens ...
Jesus first removes his clothes [ the serpent is invariably
naked/smooth : qv. Jacob at Gn.27:11].
Next he stoops [ 'upon your chest and (your) abdomen shall you
go' : Gn.3:14 ] - to wash the feet of the disciples, even Peter.
To wash the foot in a basin the heel must be raised. This action
brings the heel of Peter into proximity
with the head of Jesus. By formulating this
story line the author has invoked (once again) the 'heel over head'
curse - the curse configured at Gn.3:15.
And now, to confirm the mind of the author beyond all reasonable
doubt, we hear the link to prior scripture established through the mouth of
Jesus himself (and by inference it is made clear that this is confirmed here
in retrospect). There is just one verse in the 'New Testament' canon
where a 'heel' is mentioned - and this is
it. With the depiction of the foot-washing at the meal, we learn here that the
ancient curse has been invoked one more time :
- 43N 13 18 ou peri pantwn umwn legw
egw oida tinaV exelexamhn all ina h grafh plhrwqh o trwgwn mou ton
arton ephren ep eme thn
pternan autou
- 43N 13 18 Not about all of you do I speak. I know whom I have
selected. But so that the scripture may be fulfilled : "The one nibbling
my bread raised up upon me his
- 43N 13 19 ap arti legw umin pro
tou genesqai ina pisteushte otan genhtai oti egw
- 43N 13 19 From now on I (shall) tell you before the happening
- that you may believe, when it happens, that ' I
- The bread is amongst the 'fruits of the
earth'. But in Genesis it is the 'serpent' who is
cursed to 'eat earth' [Gn.3:14]. The bread is
therefore 'his' food (see also the diets defined at Gn.1:29-30 for the sinister
'person' of Gn.1:26-28 - and for the creatures he
is to 'lord' over).
At Gn.4:3 the one bringing 'from the
fruits of the earth' is Cain. He is the
one whose (evil) 'sacrifices' are ignored by God [ Note:
In all this, do not confuse 'God' who is good with 'the lord god', the evil
impersonator of 'God']. And Cain, slaughtering his
brother, is the first in scripture to utter the phrase 'eimi egw' [ AM I ].
When God asks"Where is Abel, your
brother ?", Cain replies [Gn.4:9] :
ou ginwskw mh fulax tou
adelfou mou eimi egw
"I do
not know. AM I my brother`s guardian
Then in the next verse we hear God say :
... fwnh
aimatos tou adelfou sou boa pros me
ek ths ghs"
"... a voice of the
blood of your brother SHOUTS
TO ME from the earth"
Then did you hear it ?
Surely Cain's phrase 'eimi
egw' (AM I) sounds in
Greek alike to 'aima ... h gh'
(blood ... the earth) ? This is what
the author of Genesis is getting at - with an ironic play upon the sound
of the words Cain utters [to understand how this word play in
Greek appears to have its origins in the anagram riddles of the
original Hebrew text, see Appendix 1 below]. From this point on, these words
serve always to condemn him, throughout scripture never failing to recall the
slaughter of his brother Abel.
Now in the fourth gospel it is Jesus alone, the mysterious 'son of man', who
persists in uttering six times this most telling of
phrases - then repeating it twenty four times in its reversed
form 'egw eimi' (I AM) [see also Chapter 7, Section 7.6]. Thus
by his voice the author identifies Jesus as Cain
reincarnate, the one bringing 'from the fruits of the
earth', a class including all primary 'photosynthetic' foods.
And of course in the narrative of the gospel it is
Jesus who emulates Cain by bringing bread and
wine (you may notice that fish too are specified at Gn.1:26, 1:28).
- Conclusions:
- By setting out this story of 'the washing of the feet' and then
explicitly invoking the conjunction with prior scripture (the curse from
Genesis 3:15), the author of the fourth gospel writes to expose Jesus as
'seed of the serpent', as one against whom
the offspring of Eve is 'to raise his heel'.
- With the linked mention of bread
, the author identifies Jesus more specifically as Cain (a 'worker of the earth', as noted at
Genesis 4:2) who in the following verse brings his sacrifice 'from the fruits
of the earth' - subsequently slaughtering his brother Abel (Genesis
- By invoking also Cain's guilty
catch-phrase, the author further confirms for us the 'real' identity of
- Can there be any doubt of what is intended here ?
- Additional comments:
For a brief moment the heel of Peter is 'raised' over the head of
this serpent. The direction to all readers of scripture at
Gn.3:15 is clear - 'Watch out for a head
...'. But on account of mistranslation this key direction may have been
obscured. The remedy is to read in Greek.
In the narrative Peter, failing altogether to recognise
the head as that of a serpent, misses his
chance to crush it. And look at the irony in Jn.13:8-9 ! How clever these
scriptural authors were.
And there is more irony embedded here. For the heel which
Jesus washes is the heel of Peter. At v.6 we have his name 'Simon
Peter', (here in the accusative case) 'simwna petron'. And then at v.18 we have the reference
to 'his heel', 'thn pternan autou'. Do you see the heavy
anagram overlap ? That Jesus should use the word 'rock' in naming Simon is
suspicious in itself. For in prior Hebrew tradition 'rock' seems to be reserved
for use in referring to God himself. Indeed the LXX (Greek) translators were
consistently reluctant to refer to God as a 'rock' : for example at Is.44:8 the
boastful claim "There is no rock : I know of none" is simply omitted in
Greek. This avoidance probably arises because in Greek the word 'rock' has the
wrong anagrammatic connotations. It may therefore be considered impossible to
use it without causing serious confusion to the (gnostic) reader.
But the very name assigned in the gospels to Peter
evokes, for the Greek reader, the fact that his was meant to be
the 'heel' to crush the 'head' of the serpent [Gn.3:15]. And then, in the story
of Jn.13, Peter misses his chance - and for one reason only, he has failed to
identify the serpent !
In the narrative the serpent then seizes the opportunity to set
in train the 'literalist' tradition which the Christian church has then
transmitted through the centuries :
43N 13 15 upodeigma gar edwka
umin ina kaqwV egw epoihsa umin kai umeiV poihte
- 43N 13 15 For I have given an example to you - that just as I have
done to you, also you may do
As a result the scenario has jumped two millennia - right out the
story in the fourth gospel (gnostic composition of the first century CE) into
real life in the twenty-first century (with the annual re-enaction performed by
the church as part of the Easter week liturgy on what has come to be known as
'Holy' Thursday).
Oh, how slow we are to understand the scriptures [see
Lk.24:25, Ga.3:1] ! How very easily we grasp hold of 'the wrong end of the
stick' !
When Moses took hold of the wrong end of the serpent, it became a
stick in his hand [Ex.4:4]. When we take hold of this story in the
correct way, look ... Jesus becomes in our hand what he always
was - a serpent. For the 'authority'
betokened by Moses' staff was never anything but the authority of the 'lord
god', of this polymorphous and scripturally ubiquitous serpent.
- Some Definitions:
What of this serpent ?
Rv.12:9 we find :
66N 12 9 kai eblhqh o drakwn o
megaV o ofiV o arcaioV o kaloumenoV
diaboloV kai o
satanaV o planwn thn oikoumenhn olhn eblhqh eiV thn ghn kai oi
aggeloi autou met autou eblhqhsan
66N 12 9 And he was thrown down,
the great dragon, the ancient serpent, the one
called a devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He
was thrown down onto the earth - and his angels were thrown down with him
- And what of Cain ?
Heb.11:4 we find :
58N 11 4 pistei pleiona
qusian abel para kain proshnegken tw qew di hs emarturhqh einai dikaioV
marturountoV epi toiV dwroiV autou tou qeou kai di authV apoqanwn eti
58N 11 4 By faith, Abel offered to God more of a
sacrifice than Cain - through which he [Abel] was witnessed to be right,
witness upon his gifts for God. And through it, being dead, he still
And at 1 Jn.3:12 we find :
62N 3 12 ou kaqwV kain ek
tou ponhrou hn kai esfaxen ton adelfon autou kai carin tinoV esfaxen auton
oti ta erga autou ponhra hn ta de tou adelfou autou dikaia
3 12 Not like Cain : he was from the evil one and he slaughtered his
brother. And for the sake of what did he kill him ? Because his
works were evil - but those of his brother right
And so it is also for the 'authority' of Peter - and the church
of Jesus Christ. For as satan claims at
Lk.4:6, the authority which he confers upon Jesus is now entirely
his :
42N 4 6 kai eipen autw
o diaboloV soi dwsw
thn exousian tauthn apasan kai thn
doxan autwn oti emoi paradedotai kai w ean
qelw didwmi authn
42N 4 6 And the
devil said to him "To you I
shall give this authority, in its entirety, and the glory of
them. For it has been given away** to me - and I give it to whomsoever I
Addendum at 24th February 2006 : ** Almost certainly
this assertion appeals to what God says at
Gn.1:28 to the androgynous PERSON newly made [Gn.1:27] "according to the image
of a god". This one is directed to "Grow and multiply and fill the earth - and
lord over it". So this is where the 'lord
god' is first granted "authority over the earth".
And by the time we get to Gn.4:8, we have been given enough
additional information to deduce (from Cain's situation) that the 'lord god' is
inherently evil. Thus at Gn.1:27 we had our first glimpse of
satan, the adversary, the prideful impostor
for God himself - the one addressed by
Jesus as 'Father' [qv. Lk.10:21-22, 11:2].
Here at Lk.4:6 the devil
transfers the same authority to Jesus. And
at Lk.22:29-30 Jesus transfers it once
again - this time to his apostles. |
- This is just one of the alternate paths by which one may arrive at
the conclusion implicit here. Relying entirely upon the texts of scripture,
there are several other paths to an equivalent conclusion. And notice how John
(the Baptist) avoids the opportunity for his own head to come into
proximity with the feet of Jesus [ 'I am not worthy to untie the strap of
his sandal' : Jn.1:27]. For from the outset John is the one who 'knows' the
identity of Jesus. But, being (in these stories) 'afraid for his life', the
witness which he does give is carefully concealed within his riddles. Is this
difficult to follow ?
So how does it happen that for
1700 years the Roman (or western) church has embraced this 'Christ' - but so persistently has failed to establish
(or to admit) the identity assigned by the authors of scripture
- Gn.3:
- 01O 3 1 o de ofiV hn fronimwtatoV pantwn twn qhriwn twn epi thV ghV wn epoihsen
kurioV o qeoV ...
- 01O 3 1 But the serpent was the
most sagacious of all the wild beasts - of those (going) upon the earth
which the lord god made ...
- ...
- 01O 3 13... kai eipen h gunh o
ofiV hpathsen me kai efagon
- 01O 3 13 ... and the woman said "The serpent deceived me - and I ate"
- But what a remarkable oversight ?
13.3 Appendix
Here is the Hebrew text at Genesis 4:10-11 :
- JPS 1917 Edition Masoretic Text : (c) 2003 Mechon Mamre :

- 01O 4 10 And he said "What have you done ? A voice of the
blood of your brother
cries to me from
the earth

- 01O 4 11 And now you are cursed from the earth which
has opened a mouth to receive the
blood of your brother from your hand".
There is a word play here which appears to work like this. In Hebrew
- The word for 'blood' is 'DM'
- and 'a person' is 'ADM'
(ie. Adam)
- while the 'earth' is 'ADMH'
Accordingly we get "A voice of the blood ... cries to me from the
To establish its significance, the point is reiterated in a variant form
at v.11. From now on the use of the word 'earth' should evoke for us the demise
of Abel at the 'hand' of his brother. Indeed the very phrase 'from your hand' recalls again the 'blood' ('DMy') - but now with the letter sequence scrambled
as 'MyD' (in
the final word).
It would appear that the authors/translators of the Septuagint (LXX)
Greek text have sought to establish a Greek equivalent to this word play
originally implemented in Hebrew. Now (for the Greek reader) they choose to
associate the words spoken by Cain 'eimi
egw' (AM I) with the words 'aima ... h gh' (blood ... the earth). As in the Hebrew text, our
attention is drawn to 'blood' and to 'earth'. Then in the Greek text both the
spelling and the sound of these two words closely match with the
final phrase spoken by Cain at Gn.4:9. For the attentive Greek reader,
any subsequent use of Cain's words will now recall the circumstance of their
first use - in this key narrative where he kills his brother, Abel.
Jobes & Silva, in the Introduction to their book 'Invitation to
the Septuagint' [Ref.2], state as follows :
- The Septuagint, not the Hebrew Bible, was the primary theological and
literary context within which the writers of the New Testament and most early
Christians worked. This does not mean that the New Testament writers were
ignorant of the Hebrew Bible or that they did not use it. But since the New
Testament authors were writing in Greek, they would naturally quote, allude to,
and otherwise use the Greek version of the Hebrew Bible.
- ... the doctrines of orthodox Christianity were hammered out with
exegetical appeals to an Old Testament that was written in Greek, not
- ... the Septuagint text was the Word of God for the church in
its first three centuries.
Once the 'translation' to Greek had been made then (in a Greek world)
this was the key text upon which the reader was to rely for comprehension.
In the fourth gospel we hear Jesus
say this to Pilate :
- Jn.18:
- 43N 18 37 ... su legeiV oti
basileuV eimi egw eiV touto gegennhmai kai
eiV touto elhluqa eiV ton kosmon ina marturhsw th alhqeia paV o wn ek ths
alhqeiaV akouei mou thV fwnhV
- 43N 18 37 ... "You say that a king AM
I. For this I have been born and for this I was set free in the
cosmos (ie. the world) - so that I shall witness to the truth. Each one
being from the truth hears my voice."
Then this is one way to identify the faceless
Cain, who at Gn.4:14 says "I shall be
hidden also from your face" (there are no pictures in scripture anyway). Just
listen to his 'voice' - in
----- o -----
And here is yet one more instance where 'the voice of the
blood of your brother cries to me from the
earth/ground' - now finally arranged
in Greek :
- Jn.18 again:
- 43N 18 5 apekriqhsan autw ihsoun
ton nazwraion legei autoiV egw eimi
eisthkei de kai ioudaV o paradidouV auton met autwn
- 43N 18 5 They answered him "Jesus the Nazarene". He said to them
"I AM". But there stood also Judas,
the one betraying him, with them.
- 43N 18 6 wV oun eipen autoiV
egw eimi aphlqon eis ta opisw kai epesan
- 43N 18 6 As therefore he said to them "I
AM", they went into reverse and fell to the ground
Now there are two things here just waiting to 'go into reverse' :
- egw eimi (I AM) => eimi egw (AM I) [now
Cain's actual phrase from Gn.4:9]
- camai (to the ground)
=> aima (blood)
Quite clever, I think ?
This site is still 'under construction'. So
please forgive its shortcomings ! There is always more which might be done.
If you would like to make any comments (favourable or otherwise) or have
any corrections to offer, then I would be delighted to hear from you - and
please accept my thanks in advance. Please use this e-mail address :

[1] Brown, Raymond E., "The Gospel According
to John", Doubleday & Co (Geoffrey Chapman Ltd) : 1966
[2] Jobes KH and
Silva M., "Invitation to the Septuagint", Baker Academic/Paternoster Press,
2000, : ISBN 0-8010-2235-5 or ISBN 1-84227-061-3